It's that time again! Feature and Follow over at Parajunkee's View. This blog hop is THE BEST way to meet new people, find new blogs and of course, get new followers! If you want to learn more about this blog hop, click on the button above and it'll take you right to the hop. With each Friday Feature and Follow the hosts pose a question, and the million dollar question is....drumroll.......
Do you mind books with similar ideas to other books? Similar concepts, backgrounds, retellings or pulled-to-publish fanfic?
Similar ideas don't bother me much. For me, the biggest draw to a book, what makes me love it the most is not the plot, or the idea of the book, but the characters. I love good juicy characters I can sink my teeth into. Retellings are fine by me so long as it is quality material and inventive slants on the characters. As for fanfic, I'm not a fan. I have nothing against it conceptually, I just don't enjoy it. As y'all know, I'm a Harry Potter fanatic so a looooong time ago, I checked out a bit of fanfic. No matter how well written technically, everything I read lacked the original sparkle and pizzazz (I'm the mother of young girls, so yes, those are the sorts of adjectives I use, get over it :) of Rowling's characters.
What do you think?
Are you down with similar concepts?
What is the most important thing in a book? Idea, characters, plot, twist ending?
Sound off in the comments!
I adore fanfiction, but I don't really like the idea earning money by publishing it. Dunno. And yeah, there are stories where it's hard to find satisfying fanfiction, unless you really know what you're looking for.. and where to find it. ._.'
Patricia // My Hop
I COMPLETELY agree with you about characters!!
New follower via GFC :)
MY F&F: http://nightmareonbookstreet.blogspot.com/2012/11/feature-and-follow-2.html
@Patricia-totally agree with you about making money. Ifeel like you are making money off of someone else's idea-not cool!
@Elizabeth :)))
On my way over to check out yoru blogs!
Hopping through. I've read more Twific and HPfic. Most of it is awful, but a few things are incredibly good. I like stories that make me get to know the characters better.
My Hop
Thanks for stopping by Alison!
I agree with your answer. I haven't read any fanfic that I've fallen in love with so it has been surprising to see so many recent book deals come from it. New follower =) My Friday Hop
Hi Kate, thanks for stopping by my
FF post, I am following you back via Networked Blogs and Linky :)
I agree about inspiration, but I don't only want my characters to be spicy, I want a cool plot as well.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Great answer!
Here's my FF Post!
Andrea @ Literary Getaway
New Follower(:
Thanks for stopping by!
Great answer :)
Thanks for following my Blog!
Marissa @ http://www.fortheloveoffilmandnovels.com/
Love your answer. And I completely agree about the characters being the big draw. Same here.
new follower.
Thanks for stopping by Book Sojourner!
I've never been interested in reading fanfic; I'd rather just reread the original books over again if I've really enjoyed them.
New GFC follower. Our FF
Thank you for the follow! I agree that it's the characters that really make the book. I also agree with you on the fanfiction - that's why I was so reluctant to try reading it, as I thought it would only ruin the books for me. I am slowly dipping my toes into HP fanfiction, but to me the characters in the fanfics are totally separate from the book characters. Nobody writes 'em like JK!
Great blog! I'm following back via GFC! :)
Thanks for the follow! I agree with you that the characters are what make a book.
You have a great blog - I'm following back via GFC! :)
I don't like reading fanfiction too >_<
Thanks for following! I followed back ^^
- Kazhy @ My Library in the Making
I agree completely! If the characters are good I will read it, retelling or not. :) New GFC Follower.
My Feature and Follow Friday
Rainy Day Reads
That's a really good point. At the end of the day, it's the characters that you really remember in a book, not the plot. Thanks for dropping by my blog. I'm following back.
Good points!
I'm a new follower :) Here is my FFF
Thanks for stopping by my feature! FOllowing back!
-Amanda P
Where the Night Kind Roam (Formally Paranormal Romance)
Hi - This is the first time I've seen a blog hop in action. I'm new and there's a lot to learn. I'm following you and would ask you to consider following me. Thank you!
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