Under Cover of Night--The hours between dusk and dawn are filled with mystery, danger...and romance. Here are four dark and dazzling tales of passion and peril by the incomparable mistress of romantic suspense.
Detective Boyd Fletcher's NIGHT SHIFT assignment to protect vulnerable Cilla O'Roarke is fraught with danger...especially to his heart. Prosecutor Deborah O'Roarke suspects a link between enigmatic Gage Guthrie and a heroic phantom who lurks in NIGHT SHADOW. Lieutenant Althea Grayson and P.I. Colt NIGHTSHADE butt heads--and hearts--tracking a killer. NIGHT SMOKE pours from the passions that blaze between Natalie Fletcher and arson investigator Ryan Piasecki.
My Take:
I'm a big believer in appreciating things for what they are. If a book is meant to be fluffy entertainment, then that is how I will judge it. From that prospective, I very much enjoyed Night Tales. The characters are memorable, enjoyable, and actually quite well developed in such a short amount of time. I find Nora Roberts to be quite an engaging writer. These books are not meant to be Jane Austen romances, that make you think and question the social norm, etc., but they do their job-entertainment. If you like a good romance and a good mystery, you will like Night Tales. I think the author was quite adept at creating a believable and suspenseful mystery. In short if you are just looking for something fun and light, read this book, I give it a 3, Buy at a Used Book Store. The book is not going to change your life or anything, but its not supposed to, just sit back, relax, and enjoy.
Do you agree with my review? Or maybe you think I'm totally off base? Either way I'd love to hear from you. Be sure to leave a comment and let me know how you feel!
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If this book were a movie it would likely be rated PG-13 for sexual content.
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