I have a blog crush and I'm willing to bet there are a lot of bloggers out there with the same crush as me. I loooove a little (I say "little" in jest :) blog called Parajunkie's View.
Now, to be honest, I'm not even a paranormal nut, but I still just love this blog. She has a great feature called the Feature and Follow. It's a great way to get to know other bloggers and gain followers, woohoo!
So click on the button below to check it out...

The question posed this week is "What book do you think is worth the hype?"
I have to be boring and give a totally expected answer: The Harry Potter Series. The writing is so awesome, the storyline so intricate, the characters so relatable and colorful. It is just awesome, no doubt about it. Other books/series worth the hype? Hunger Games, Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia.
What's your answer? What book do you think is NOT worth the hype? Hit the comments!
If you do choose to follow me, thank you! I appreciate each and every one of you. I love the conversation, so please leave comments and discuss!
Harry Potter is just so awesome! I just wish it didn't have to end.
Old follower!
I totally agree with your choices :)
I chose the Harry Potter series too :)
It is going to be loved for generations :)
New follower via GFC :)
My FF post :)
Sigh, yes, Harry Potter... Wish i could live in that world FOREVER... just not when Voldy is around. <3 New follower, following you back.
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