Follow Friday: What's Your Vocab Kryptonite?

This week for Follow Friday the question raised by Miss Parajunkee is.......
What is the BIGGEST word you’ve seen used in a book lately – that
made you stop and look it up? Might as well leave the definition &
book too.
This is going to sound so dumb, but I can't remember the last time I looked something up! If its a contemporary book, I never need to look words up. Gosh that sounds so uppity *cringe* The reason is when I was young.....I was so weird....I used to straight up read the dictionary, I seriously started reading it in 2nd grade and read it several times a year until high school. It used to be my bathroom reading of choice. I know that is a bit of an over share but....too bad. We aren't squeamish about such things over here on The Book Buff. Anyway, I do like to read a lot of Historical Fiction, so I do have to look up some random stuff here and there. How about you? What word was your most recent vocab Kryptonite?
Happy Friday and happy hopping!
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I kind of burnt myself out on historical fiction a few years ago and I'm sure my friends were happy about it. I can't count how many times I would find myself using kind of "dated" language when I couldn't think of a better word. It was rather amusing. I know I do look up words now and then on my Nook, it's just so easy to do that I don't really remember which words I looked up. Thanks for stopping by my blog!!
It's true, I have a Kindle and it is so easy to just look them up and forget about it. Thanks for stopping by you guys!
-Kate the Book Buff
I had a hard time with this question too! Luckily I came across a word right away in The Casual Vacancy. It was vetiver.
BTW I love the pictures you have of famous book buffs! :D
I'm a new follower through GFC! My FF post
I look more up with my Kindle than I ever have.
Can't remember either!
New follower hopping by!
My ff:
Hi, I'm a new follower via GFC =)
That's really interesting actually! And pretty handy for you that you don't need to look up most words. Thanks for stopping by and following, I'm following back :)
I want to have a kindle! Whenever I read in my laptop in a long time I get eye stain!
Maybe this October I'll get the Kindle Paperwhite :)
New Follower :)
Check outMY FF
THanks for stopping by Kate! Following you back via GFC :)
Thanks for stopping by! Following you back via GFC :)
Thanks for following me! The favor has been returned. You lost me on the definition of antidissesablishmentarianism. :p
I tried reading the dictionary once. I don't think i ever got past the first page. I am impressed. Followed you back!
Thanks for becoming a follower of my site! I'm now following you back via GFC and wish you happy reading.
The Scarf Princess
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